Opt-Out and Acknowledgement of 1:1 Menu Review with a Toast Menu Specialist - Information Sheet 

Whenever Toast uploads a Menu Template or does a Full Menu Build, Toast provides and highly recommends attending a 1:1 Menu Review call with a menu specialist. Menu review calls are intended to evaluate the quality of the menu build, allowing for Toast menu specialists to make edits and adjustments to the menu to suit your unique needs and requirements. The menu review also provides additional training and consultation on how to make future menu edits and adjustments. 

The requirements below apply to all customers that opt out of Menu Review with a Toast Menu Specialist:

  • You may experience, and Toast assumes no liability for, issues that arise or result from your menu if a Toast-led menu review is not attended.
  • Toast support guidelines for customers that opt-out of Menu Review:
    • TOAST WILL NOT PROVIDE ANY SERVICES OR SUPPORT FOR YOUR MENUYou are fully responsible for self-guided training, troubleshooting, maintaining, and managing your own menu, which may include your food, beverage, retail, and other intricate modifications and pricing;
    • Toast is not responsible for any configuration of your menus, but may choose to provide menu support in its sole discretion. Where Toast provides such support, it will only be provided to the extent commercially reasonable and reasonably possible and may result in a premium service that incurs an additional charge;
    • Your menus in Toast may not accurately reflect how you wish to be displayed to your staff and guests;
    • Your menus in Toast may not be compatible with third-party services;
    • Your menus in Toast may not accurately communicate between multiple locations.

You may experience, and Toast assumes no liability for, issues that arise or result from your menu if a Toast-led menu review is not attended.

Any Menu Review no-show or cancellation without re-booking indicates your consent to and acknowledgment of this agreement.