1894 Lodge - Train Restaurant Staff Open Communication

Create Safe Spaces for Open Communication

Dahlia SnaidermanAuthor

Besides providing his staff with on-the-job skills training, Logan Hoffstetter, owner of 1894 Lodge, has found that one of his best employee retention assets is to train his team to have open, honest, judgement-free communication about things that might be happening on or off the clock. He brings this supportive philosophy into his daily pre-shift meetings with staff. 

“When you work here, everybody's got an open mind. We're very open to conversations on what's going on around us. And whenever something does happen, in our pre-shift meeting we talk about it. ‘How did this affect you guys? Is this something that's emotional to you? Is this something that you agree with, disagree with?’ We have a very open conversation and an open door policy. If they ever feel that, you know, they're threatened, they can obviously come in and let us know and we'll have a meeting.” 

Understanding that sensitive subjects are, well, sensitive, Logan has even created an anonymous channel for his staff to use if they feel uncomfortable raising an issue through an in-person conversation. For Logan, what it all boils down to is doing all he can to build a community that his team trusts so they can show up undistracted and ready to go for every shift.

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