Toast Mobile Payments Promotion FAQ

What is this program?

  • You have been invited to a limited group of restaurants eligible for a promotion related to Toast mobile payments. 

  • Learn more about Toast mobile payments here.

How long will the card-not-present payment processing rate reduction last?

  • Over the promotion period from September 1 - October 31, 2022.

  • You will be eligible to receive rebates within a given month. For example, September statements will have adjustments for mobile payments Card-Not-Present rates between September  1 and September 30.

  • This program is subject to change or termination at any time, and we will notify you 30 days before any termination or any change to the information presented in these FAQs becomes effective, except where a shorter period is required under payment card network rules or applicable law. 

Card-Not-Present (CNP) Rate Reduction

What are card-not-present transactions?

  • Any transaction where a card or digital wallet is not physically presented to be swiped/dipped/tapped on-premise for payment are deemed CNP. This includes digital transactions (e.g. online orders, mobile payments) and keyed transactions (e.g. manually-entered, phone orders).

What is included in my CNP Rate Reduction? 

  • Your Credit Card processing rates for Card Not Present transactions will be reduced to match your current Card Present Rates during the promotion period from September 1 - October 31, 2022.

What product(s) will we reduce CNP rates on?

  • Mobile payments only.

Where will the credit show up in my account?

  • The CNP reduction will show up as an adjustment on your Credit Card Processing Statement called “Card-Not-Present Rate Reduction”.

I no longer want to participate in the CNP Rate Reduction. What do I do?

  • If the opt-out deadline stated in your email offer has not yet passed and you would like to opt-out, please complete the opt-out form linked in the email offer.

  • If the opt-out deadline stated in your email offer has passed and you wish to stop participating, please reach out to to discuss available options.